A collaboration between the private and public sector.
Acorn has benefited from two rounds of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding from the European Commission:
The first award for was match funded by the UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, the Scottish Government, Total E&P UK Limited and Pale Blue Dot Energy.
12.2-0036-UKNL-S-M-18 (Completed)
The scope of the CEF Action 12.2-0036-UKNL-S-M-18 addressed the requirements of the existing and proposed CO2 transport infrastructure linked to the Acorn carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, including the transnational build-out programme.
The Action involves Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) studies of the CO2 transport infrastructure for the Acorn CCS Phase 1 project and an internal inspection survey of the Goldeneye pipeline (a former natural gas pipeline between St Fergus gas terminal in the UK and the Acorn CO2 storage license area in the North Sea). The Action also includes linked studies into the feasibility of CO2 import/export at Peterhead Port and optioneering for a UK-Norway interconnector pipeline. The Action supports health, safety and environmental (HSE) aspects for this infrastructure. The Action has four main activities:
Activity 1 – Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies for the offshore pipeline system and its inspection
Activity 2 – Study on the CO2 import/export facilities at North Sea Ports
Activity 3 – Health, Safety and Environment studies, to support the above activities
Activity 4 – Management of the Action
The Action has allowed the design of the Goldeneye pipeline, associated subsea elements of the cost base of the PCI, and the business model to progress further in definition and maturity towards a Final Investment Decision. This decision also depends on a similar level of definition and maturity being achieved for the CO2 capture, geological storage and well drilling, which is why the Action was being managed as part of an integrated programme with funding from the UK CCUS Innovation Fund. The Action also enabled knowledge sharing between other European CO2 transport projects. Subject to final close out with The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) this action has been completed.
The second CEF funding was matched by the Acorn joint venture.
12.2-0020-UKBE-S-M-20 (Ongoing)
The Action is part of PCI 12.2 CO2 Sapling. This PCI aims to establish a strategic transnational CO2 transportation infrastructure capable of delivering over 12 Mt CO2/year from emissions sources around the North Sea for permanent sequestration in offshore geological storage. PCI 12.2 is the transportation infrastructure component of the Acorn full chain Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project.
The main objective of the Action is to progress the CO2 import/export facilities and infrastructure between the Port of Peterhead and the Acorn CCS hub at St Fergus in the UK. The scope is to undertake the necessary Front End Engineering Design (FEED) studies. The Action will also enhance the maturity of the offshore build-out requirements to accommodate the additional CO2 volumes from import and to allow the operator support and subsea activity for the inline pipeline survey. It also includes the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), commercial, finance and stakeholder activities required to support the technical activities.
Once completed, the Action will result in a significant proportion of the technical studies finalised in view of reaching a Final Investment Decision (FID) for the CO2 import/export facilities and infrastructure between the Port of Peterhead and St Fergus Gas Terminal.
As a Project of Common Interest, the Acorn Project is subject to the TEN-E Regulations. Under Article 8(1) of the TEN-E Regulation, Member States are required to designate a “National Competent Authority” (NCA) that will co-ordinate and facilitate the comprehensive decision and provide a single point of contact for developers. For the UK, the designated NCA is the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
For more information:
Contact the NCA for this PCI:
55 Whitehall
United Kingdom

Aspects of the Acorn Project are co-funded by the European Union. Any views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.